Air and Water Residential Blog - Category: Hot Water Systems

What is a tempering valve and will I need one for my hot water system?

A tempering valve is used on domestic hot water systems to mix the hot and cold water so the water coming into your home is not above 50oC. A tempering valve is installed in new homes. It  is also required…

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What is a sacrificial anode in a hot water system and how often should they be replaced?

Electrolysis occurs in all enamel coated steel storage tanks. Electrolysis causes tanks to corrode. To slow down the corrosion, a sacrificial anode is attached within the tank. The anode attracts the electrolytes more than the tank walls, which means the…

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Where should solar panels be positioned?

In Perth, WA the ideal position for solar hot water system panels or solar power panels is facing true north on a 30 degree pitch.

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Can I have solar hot water system panels on a flat roof?

It is not advisable to lay solar panels directly on to a flat roof because the drop in the panels’ performance reduces the hot water generated from the sun. If you have a flat roof, mount your solar hot water…

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What is the SEDO hot water subsidy?

The West Australian government give a subsidy to gas boosted solar hot water systems with a tank size of at least 250 litres. Air & Water refer to the subsidy as SEDO for ease. SEDO is $500 for natural gas…

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